Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing

Reiki For Stress

Have you ever had a really stressful week or a period in your life when everything seems overwhelming and you react to the silliest things? This is the perfect time to use Reiki for Stress.

Why are you reacting?

It may be “now stuff”

The reactions may be obvious, and due to current, everyday stresses such as your ignorant boss, the pressure of deadlines at work, relationship issues (work or home) or events in your family life. Try taking the time to sit and to be still, look at what is happening in your life and bring awareness to any issues that are triggering you. Are they worthy of the response they trigger? This can help bring an appreciation of why you are stressed and is often the first step to doing something about it.

Maybe we are simply overloaded with ‘stuff’ in our lives at that time, and the small event that triggered that huge response was the final straw, the one that pushed us over the edge.

Or it may be “old stuff”

We all carry memories and emotions from past events in our own lives, our parents’ lives or maybe soul memories. For some of us these can be quite intense and strong, for others less so. It does not always have any relation to the size / number of the trauma / emotional events. I have met people who have experienced the most terrible traumas who have been able to let it go, and to put it in the past, and others who had apparently less traumatic experiences who cannot move beyond them.

Choosing not to react

Whether its “now stuff” or “old stuff”, or a combination of both, I recommend that you try Reiki for Stress.

I have had quite a number of clients who say, “I have done years of counselling so it can’t be anything to do with that trauma..”

But it can.. the talking works with the mind, and rarely addresses the emotions and memories stored in the body. It is a wonderful modality that helps you to develop coping strategies and to move on, to live your life, to function and often achieve successes. For some people it is all they need, and it resolves the emotions in the body too.

However, for others it is less effective at addressing those emotions held in the body. It can be likened to packaging things up in boxes, and storing those boxes in the closet. They are out of sight, out of mind, but they are still there, festering. At any point another event in your life reminds you of what is in those boxes and out they come..

Reiki for Stress

Reiki is a wonderful tool. It brings deep relaxation and grounding, Helping the body to release the current stresses and events. People report feeling more calm, more ‘Zen” and better able to cope with things that were overwhelming prior to the session.

It also goes much deeper. Reiki is all about facilitating whatever the body needs at the time. It is not about forcing anything to happen. It helps the body to open the closet and to bring out and dispose of the boxes stored there. It is not necessary to open the boxes, to go back and relive the event / trauma in the way many talk therapies work. It is enough to acknowledge the emotions involved and to let them go.

I am honoured to have had the opportunity to work with quite a number of clients with PTSD and serious trauma in their lives, and to be a part of their healing. It is often an amazing journey we take together.

Case study

I have had a client recently who had experienced terrible abuse in childhood. They were suffering from acute anxiety and a lot of physical pain, particularly in their back and legs. A simple journey to run errands was an ordeal of anxiety, and if family were coming to dinner they were exhausted before anyone arrived just from the stress of organising the dinner. We have worked together now for several months, releasing the emotions and shock stored in the body. There have been sessions where there were tears, and some when they shook violently as the body let go of the tensions created by all that fear.

Their friends have noticed a softening in their face, a relaxing, they can now do an errand to a new place with just the normal amount of anxiety, and having family to dinner is a breeze, something to be enjoyed not endured. And the pain? Well, that is so much better. Fear and trauma often relate to back and leg pain.

Using Reiki for Stress For Yourself

We can all benefit from regular Reiki sessions (me included). You may wish to come once a month or so for maintenance to help you remain calm and relaxed. Many of my clients do this, booking every 3-5 weeks.

For deeper traumas it is often more beneficial to come weekly at first, however, this is a process and we both need to respect the time required in between sessions to allow the body to process. There is no set frequency, no expectation of how often you will come, and we will discuss at each visit when would be best to return.

Find out about what to expect in a Reiki session HERE.

CLICK HERE to book a complementary Discovery Session with me; find out more.

