Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing

Can You Heal Hypothyroidism?

I have been asked many times whether it is possible to heal hypothyroidism.

As someone who was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and was able to resolve it, I want to share my story.

The diagnosis

In 1999, during a period of enormous stress at work, I started to have anxiety, panic attacks and was feeling exhausted all the time no matter how long I slept. My resting pulse was around 50 and in addition, I just could not get warm; I was wearing sweaters and sleeping with 2 duvets and a hot water bottle.. in August!

My doctor did a blood test and I came back with elevated TSH, the hormone that stimulates the thyroid. This is the usual test that your family doctor will use to assess thyroid function.

I was prescribed Synthroid, a form of Levothyroxine, was told I would never be able to get off it, and likely the dose would increase over time. When I first started taking it I felt amazing, my energy was back and I was no longer cold.. great improvement!

At that stage in my life I took the doctor’s word when they said I could never get off the Synthroid and simply got on with my life…

The emotional component to heal hypothyroidism

In 2010 I had met my mentor, Roger, a Shamanic Healer and Teacher of the Eastern Tantra. His initial assessment was that my throat chakra was blocked, the reason for this being a need to first connect wth who I was and what my needs were, then express myself and be heard.. Again this made total sense to me in relation to my family history (genetic memories) and my own upbringing and life events.

We worked to release that blockage, to connect with my heart, to open to my own self worth and to learn to find my voice and expect to be heard. I can only describe this as a ‘growing into myself’, it was an amazing journey of self discovery and self acceptance. To let go of the self doubt, the efforts to please everyone all the time and to be continually seeking acceptance and affirmation from others. To learn to accept myself for who I was at that time and to be able to truly say “I love myself and all my imperfections, I am a good person. I deserve to love and be loved”

This process is still underway, I do not think I will ever stop seeking self improvement and growth.

Next steps to heal hypothyroidism

In 2012 it was suggested that my low thyroid may, in part, be caused by inflammation and auto-immune issues triggered by diet. I had done some of my own research and found information on the relationship between a wheat / gluten intolerance and thyroid issues so this made sense to me. I stopped eating gluten (wheat, rye, barley) and corn. Many of my symptoms improved: the goosebumps on the skin on my arms and digestion, I would wake up feeling rested, and I had fewer aches and pains.

In fact, by 2013 I felt so well that I decided to attempt to stop my Synthroid. My doctor was not supportive, however, intuitively I knew I did not need it. I used a nail file and swiped the pill over the file an extra time each day. This reduced the dose extremely gradually.

About 3 months after I had completely stopped I had a blood test that showed my thyroid (TSH) to be within normal range if on the high end. After 3 more months the TSH was a very good normal and it has stayed that way for 5 years now.

So, can you heal hypothyroidism?

I am not saying this will work for everyone, but it certainly worked for me, and it has also worked for a number of my clients.

I recommend a two part approach.

Addressing diet, allergies, intolerances and nutrition by seeking the advice of a Naturopathic Doctor or Functional Medicine Practitioner and to also consult someone who practices Energy Healing, Reiki, Shamanic Healing or other person who can assess the energy blockages in your body. In so doing you address the physiological and the emotional / energetic components.


Disclaimer: It is not recommended to stop any prescription medication without consulting the doctor who prescribed it. The above method worked for me, however, we are all different, so it is not guaranteed to work for you.

