Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing

Discovering the Link Between Fatigue and Trauma


Did you know there is a strong link between Fatigue and Trauma?

As a reiki practitioner and energy healer I see many people who have emotional memories in their bodies from past traumas. Those emotions can be from physical, sexual and emotional traumas that they have experienced during their life, from their parents lives (genetic memories) and, some believe, from past life experiences.

Whatever your belief system, or the origin of those emotions, they can become lodged anywhere in our bodies, cause a disruption in our energy and lead to physical dysfunction.

They weigh us down, and can trigger many issues including aches and pains, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and often fatigue. They sit like a heaviness inside us, creating lethargy and despondence and an inability to live life with the joy we deserve.

The first, most important step, to resolving this fatigue is to acknowledge the the link between Fatigue and Trauma. We are often afraid to admit to weakness and expose our vulnerabilities. Many of us would rather seek a physical reason as it is more comfortable to deal with that.

Meet Bill

Discovering the link between Fatigue and Trauma was eye opening and the first step to healing for Bill.

At 41 years old he came to me suffering unrelenting fatigue, pressure and pain in his chest, palpitations and digestive issues. Up until a year before he had been fit and healthy.

Despite extensive testing, the medical profession could find no reason for his symptoms. His work and family life were suffering and he was desperate to find some relief.

A friend who had been to see me recommended he ‘give Reiki and Energy Healing a try’. He was very skeptical, but desperate for relief so willing to see if I could help.

I found that he carried a huge amount of sadness and grief, along with some fear. This was mostly sitting in his chest, heart and large intestine. He said that his life had been great; loving parents, no major traumas or events that he could remember.

I then asked him about his parents. He told me that his aunt had died of a terminal illness a couple of months before his birth. His mother had nursed her for several months before she died, and during the earlier part of her pregnancy. He said she had never really got over the death.

He also said that not long before his health declined their child’s pet rabbit had died. Of course this was a sad day, however, it caused an exceptional amount of grief in him totally out of proportion to the actual event. He said he couldn’t understand why he had reacted so strongly.

This does, however, make sense to me… he was carrying his mother’s fear and grief, which he had soaked up whilst in utero. The death of the rabbit had then triggered that memory in his body, causing an excessive reaction. He was still living in that memory.

Over several sessions we worked to release that fear and grief. Bill gradually felt lighter, felt the joy coming back into the world. His fatigued lifted, his mood changed and his digestion slowly returned to normal. He no longer has palpitations or the pressure and pain in his chest.

He still comes to see me once in a while ‘for fine tuning’ as he puts it, to address life’s everyday stresses.


And, finally..

We all carry emotions relating to memories that are our own or our ancestors..

At times these memories are triggered, and brought to the forefront. Finding ways to release and resolve the emotions associated with these memories can greatly enhance our quality of life, and ultimately our overall health and well-being. We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can let go of the emotions and file those memories away in the filing cabinet that is our history.

Do you know someone like Bill?

Reiki and Energy healing or other types of Energy Medicine may be just what they need!

Fatigue and Stress: Resolving the Stress

I want to look at the issue of Fatigue and Stress, and ways we can resolve that stress.

Are you always tired? With no obvious reason to be tired? Ever wondered if your emotions are triggering your fatigue?

Or perhaps you know that you have experienced some emotional trauma in your life and that it still weighs you down?


Past Traumas

If you know you experienced trauma in the past perhaps its time to take steps to deal with it?

Just having someone to talk to can be enough. There are many Counsellors and Psychotherapists out there. Look for one that draws you and feels a good fit. You may need to meet with a few to find the one that suits your needs.

Reiki and Energy Healing can help release those traumas from the body.

Hypnotherapy also works with the subconscious, releasing the emotions and replacing them with something more positive.

Another option is Emotional Blueprint Coaching. A unique combination of reflexology and counselling / visualisation / journeying it will also release the negative emotions and replace them with those that are more positive.


The NOW Stuff

A certain amount of stress and pressure can be invigorating. It stimulates adrenalin, increasing focus, physical ability and energy. However, long term or excessive stress will lead to exhaustion and an inability to ‘see the light at the end of the tunnel’.

Our daily lives have become more and more stressful and demanding, we are set huge expectations and given no time for ourselves. We don’t always get enough sleep or take time to eat well or to honour our own needs.

And if we do allow ourselves some “me time” in which to destress and breathe, to do that something just for ourselves, then we feel guilty because we ‘should’ be doing something else…

Does this sound familiar in your life? Could you be affected by Fatigue and Stress? If so its time to start make changes…


So.. Where to Start to Address Your Fatigue and Stress?

Start small, with just one thing at a time. Work up to the bigger things and make sure to tell yourself you deserve to look after yourself. If we do not nurture ourselves we will end up unable to nurture anyone else..

Some examples of small steps you could consider are:

  • Go to bed at a reasonable time. If you are concerned about not having ‘done everything’ then take a step back and ask “Do I really need to do that now? Can it wait till tomorrow?”


  • Schedule time for yourself each day.  Put it in your daily agenda and stick to it. Whether you sit for 10 minutes with your coffee, have a bath, read a book, listen to music, go for a walk or call a friend for a chat.


  • Make time for lunch, just 15minutes is a good beginning. Put away work, leave your desk, turn off your phone, perhaps go outside.. disconnect and take time out of your day to focus on the food and enjoy every mouthful.


  • Find an activity you like and commit to it…. Walking, a reading group, singing, sewing, meditating, playing sports or going to yoga are just some examples. Being with other people can be great for the soul too.


  • Schedule a treat for yourself. Maybe you like massage, reflexology or reiki. Or would like to get a manicure?


And finally – ask for help – this is something we often find so hard to do. There is no shame in saying “I am overwhelmed, I cannot do all this on my own”.

It is not a failure, it is what we, as human beings, need to do. Your family and friends are there to support you as you support them, we all have limitations and sharing a task can be beneficial to everyone involved.


And remember..


Society has too much blame, shame and guilt.. We all have the right to enjoy our lives, to do what brings pleasure and to not feel guilty about doing so. We can only be there for others if we nurture ourselves first.


Find pleasure and joy in your life and let fatigue be a thing of the past!